That being said - this disadvantage of having few attacks is almost completely nullified if you stretch such a build into Lone Wolf - with this, you can max intelligence and strength and still have plenty of points for wits and memory. This is also why this type of build relies on skingraft and apotheosis from polymorph more than most - it works around your cooldowns. Necromancy does not really have that many damaging skills to boot, and need to pump points into warfare leaves this type of builds dependant on cooldowns - you want to finish fights quickly, preferably deciding the outcome in first turn. You want to unload all you have quickly and glass cannon allows just that. It is useful, but it is wise to consider glass cannon. Also - far out man is not really necessary. Instead, it is better do dump couple of points into strength to use a melee weapon - builds focusing on blood magic almost never use their weapons, so you can focus on bonuses and there are some, like Lohar's Source Hammer with build in massive crit chance bonuses.
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Blood Mages will help deal some Physical Damage, heal, and debuff targets early on in the game before they gain access to extremely powerful Source Skills that can make the game easy mode. The primary Attribute of the Blood Mage is Intelligence because it will increase the damage of the majority of their Skills. The Blood Mage uses Necromancer Skills to deal massive Physical Damage to targets and help debuff enemies. Divinity 2 Builds Guide for the Blood Mage (Necromancer).